What an incredible week. Let's just start with that. While spending some time away with family was reason enough to have fallen in love with France, there was something truly special about the region that we spent the week exploring that just about stole a little piece of my heart. From the quaint little villages and endless cobblestone streets to the boulangeries smelling of fresh bread from dawn to dusk; from the flaky layers of the fresh croissants to the buckets of fresh cut blooms; and from one stinking piece of delicious cheese on a fresh baguette to the next-- holy moly, there are no words.
There are far too many moments and smells and sounds that I wish I could find the words to describe to you all-- so many little pieces of my week that I know these words of mine will fail to portray and capture in the way in which I came to love and adore them all. But I'm hoping that my posts over the next few days will do this little journey through Southern France of mine some justice. I feel, in a way, that photographs have an odd way of being able to pick up where words end-- and thank goodness for that.
While I work through my thoughts and find a way to put some order to these next few posts, here are a few photos to give you a little peek and get you started. For now, let's start with that and go from there... enjoy =)

More-- so, so much more-- to come soon!
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