Thank you for the laughter that was shared and the memories that I now cherish, for expanding both my mind and my horizons, for challenging me with change while simultaneously blessing me with new beginnings, and for the health and happiness with which I have now entered 2012. While the first half of this past year was spent relishing those last bittersweet moments of life in the semi-real world, the latter half was most certainly spent working to embrace this new chapter of independence and adventure-- a chapter which I know at some point will, in its own way, be just as sweet. This past year managed to both thrill and terrify me beyond measure and for that humbling experience I will for be forever grateful.
While there are an absolute immeasurable number of memories from this year that served to make 2011 truly wonderful, here is a quick glimpse & a wide range of the people, places and moments that I will always remember--

From Charlottesville to Anchorage, Brooklyn to St. Louis, San Francisco to San Jaun, and every pit stop & road block along the way, thank you for playing your pivotal role in ensuring 2011 will forever remain near and dear to my heart.
love, love, love this! and they year you had!!!